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Làrach-lìn a' toirt sùil air eachdraidh iasgach na Comraich ann an ceann an iar-thuath na h-Alba. Tha am pròiseact air a chur ri chèile le Comann Eachdraidh na Comraich, a tha ga ruith aig Ionad Dualchais na Comraich.
A website looking at the history of fishing on the coast of the Applecross peninsula, in north-west Scotland. This project has been put together by the Applecross Historical Society, which runs the Applecross Heritage Centre.
Ionad Dualchais na Comraich, Applecross, Applecross Heritage Centre, Applecross History, Applecross Historical Society, Highlands, fishing, fishing boats, heritage, Gaelic, iasgach, iasgachd, dualchas, a' Ghàidhlig
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